Oh KR, Onn TM, Walton A, Odlyzko ML, Frisbie CD, and Dauenhauer PJ*. “Fabrication of Large Area Metal-on-Carbon Catalytic Condensers for Programmable Catalysis.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024 16 (1), 684-694, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c14623
Onn TM, Oh KR, Adrahtas DZ, Soeherman JK, Hopkins JA, Frisbie CD, and Dauenhauer PJ*. “Flexible and Extensive Platinum Ion Gel Condensers for Programmable Catalysis“ ACS Nano 2024 18 (1), 983-995, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c09815
Onn TM, Gathmann SR, Guo S, Solanki SPS, Walton A, Page B, Rojas G, Neurock M, Grabow LC, Mkhoyan KA, Abdelrahman OA, Frisbie CD, and Dauenhauer PJ*. “Platinum Graphene Catalytic Condenser for Millisecond Programmable Metal Surfaces.” Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS), 2022, 144, 48, 22113-22127.
Silu Guo, Onn TM, Dauenhauer PJ., and Mkhoyan KA*. “Inside Look into Catalytic Condenser for Programmable Solid Acids using STEM.” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2022, 28, S1, 2412-2413.
US Prov. No. 63/305549. Dauenhauer PJ, Frisbie DC, Onn TM, Gathmann SR, Wang XY. (2022) “Carbon-based Catalytic Devices”
Onn TM, Gathmann SR, Wang YX, Patel R, Guo S, Chen H, Soeherman J, Christopher P, Rojas G, Mkhoyan KA, Neurock M, Abdelrahman OA, Frisbie CD, and Dauenhauer PJ*. “Alumina-Graphene Catalytic Condenser for Programmable Solid Acids.” Journal of American Chemical Society Au (JACS Au), 2022, 2, 5, 1123-1133. (Cover featured)
Onn TM, Monai M, Dai S, Fonda E, Montini T, Pan X, Graham GW, Fornasiero P, and Gorte RJ. “Smart Pd Catalyst with Improved Thermal Stability Supported on High-Surface-Area LaFeO3 prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition.” Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS), 2018, 140, 14, 4841-4848.
Onn TM, Kungas R, Fornasiero P, Huang K, and Gorte RJ*. (2018) “Atomic Layer Deposition on Porous Materials: Problems with Conventional Approaches to Catalyst and Fuel Cell Electrode Preparation.” Inorganics, 2018, 6, 34.
US Prov. No. 62/404452. Gorte RJ and Onn TM. (2018) “High-Surface-Area Perovskites Prepared by ALD for Automotive Catalytic Converters.”
Wang C, Mao X, Lee JD, Onn TM, Yeh YH, Murray CB, and Gorte RJ*. “Characterization of Acid Sites on WOx/ZrO2 Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition.” Catalysts, 2018, 8, 292.
Wang C, Lee JD, Ji Y, Onn TM, J Luo, Murray CB, and Gorte RJ*. “A Study of Tetrahydrofurfuryl Alcohol to 1,5-pentanediol over Pt-WOx/C.” Catalysis Letter, 2018, 148, 1047-1054.
Wang C, Luo J, Lee JD, Onn TM, Murray CB, and Gorte RJ*. “Comparison of Furfural Hydrodeoxygenation over Pt-Co & Ni-Fe Catalysts at High, Low H2 Press.” Catalysis Today, 2018, 302, 15, 73-79.
Onn TM, Mao XY, Lin C, Wang C, and Gorte RJ*. “Investigation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Surface CeO2 and Ceria-Zirconia Solid Solution Films Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition on Al2O3.” Inorganics, 2017, 5, 69.
Onn TM, Dai S, Chen J, Graham GW, Pan X, and Gorte RJ*. “High-Surface Area Ceria-Zirconia Films prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition.” Catalysis Letters, 2017, 147, 1464-1470.
Lin C, Mao XY, Onn TM, Jang J, and Gorte RJ*. “Stabilization of ZrO2 Powders via ALD of CeO2 and ZrO2.” Inorganics, 2017, 5, 65.
Onn TM *, Zhang SY, Arroyo-Ramirez L, Xia Y, Wang C, Pan X, Graham GW, and Gorte RJ. “High-surface-area ceria prepared by ALD on Al2O3 Support.” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 201, 430-437.
Onn TM, Monai M, Dai S, Arroyo-Ramirez L, Zhang SY, Pan X, Graham GW, Fornasiero P, and Gorte RJ*. (2017) “High-Surface-Area, iron-oxide films prepared by atomic layer deposition on γ-Al2O3.” Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017, 534, 25, 70-77.
Rahmanipour M, Cheng Y, Onn TM, Donazzi A, Vohs JM, and Gorte RJ*. “Modification of LSF-YSZ Composite Cathodes by Atomic Layer Deposition.” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164, 7, F879-F884.
Zhang SY, Onn TM, Gorte RJ, Graham GW, and Pan X*. “Ex-situ and in-situ Microscopy Study of ZrO2 -stabilized Pd/Al2O3 Catalysts.” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2016, 22, S3, 782-783.
Onn TM *, Arroyo-Ramirez L, Monai M, Oh TS, Talati M, Fornasiero P, Gorte RJ, and Khader MM. “Modification of Pd/CeO2 catalyst by Atomic Layer Deposition of ZrO2.” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 197, 15, 280-285.
Onn TM, Zhang SY, Arroyo-Ramirez L, Chung YC, Graham GW, Pan X and Gorte RJ*. “Improved Thermal Stability and Methane-Oxidation Activity of Pd/Al2O3 by Atomic Layer Deposition of ZrO2.” ACS Catalysis, 2015, 5, 10, 5696-5701.
Jamal M, Kadam SS, Xiao R, Jivan F, Onn TM, Fernandes R, Nguyen TD, and Gracias DH*. “Bio‐Origami Hydrogel Scaffolds Composed of Photo crosslinked PEG Bilayers.” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2013, 2, 8, 1142-1150.